How to Design the Perfect Email Footer

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    You don’t want to overlook any details as you craft your email marketing campaign, including the email design and more specifically, the email footer.


    The great thing about designing an email footer is that you only have to do it once, and then you can keep using it across your emails and campaigns.

    Read on to learn how to design email footers.eCommerce Email Design Inspiration to Give You Ideas

    How to Design an Email Footer

    An email footer is the design element that goes at the bottom of your email.

    It includes basic information about your company and your contact information. This is also where you will find the unsubscribe button.

    Why Are Email Footers Important?

    Email footers are important because they help with branding and make it easy to contact your company.

    In terms of branding, email footers are usually in line with the rest of your branding, including on your website and social media pages. This helps with brand uniformity and, therefore, recognition.

    For contacting your company, email footers give recipients a single place to find every method of contacting you, including:

    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Physical address
    • Social media pages. 

    You can almost think of them as a digital business card that you attach to every email.

    Email footers also convey a sense of professionalism, helping your company build trust.

    What Advantages Does a Well-designed Email Footer Bring?

    By creating a well-designed email footer, you get to maximize all the benefits mentioned.

    • Recipients will easily find your contact information
    • You will maximize brand recognition
    • You will build up your professional image.

    A well-designed email footer can also help you achieve more. It can be useful in sending more targeted email messages.

    Also, it can boost your response rate to emails and click-through rate to your website. Additionally, you can include social proof in the email footer.

    Best of all, email footers are a highly cost-effective way of achieving all these goals.

    What Should an Email Footer Contain?

    Every email footer will be slightly different, but any guide to how to design an email footer will suggest you at least include the following:

    • Contact information, including phone number, website, physical address, and email address checked regularly
    • Icons with links to social media pages
    • An unsubscribe link
    • Any legal links, including Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
    • Company logo
    • Copyright information
    • A call to action.

    Other smart elements to include:

    •  Company awards and achievements
    • A button to download mobile apps
    • Social proof
    • The ability to adjust preferences
    • “Find us” with a link to a map
    •  The ability to view in a browser
    • A suggestion to forward the email
    • Offer details
    • Explanation of why the recipient received the email
    • The ability to rate the email.

    Which Style to Choose for Your Email Footer

    As you learn how to design an email footer, you will need to find some inspiration to choose your own style as well as other elements.

    Types of Styling

    You can create an email footer with nearly any type of style that you want. A simple design may be a good choice for a luxury brand, as minimalism and luxury products typically go hand-in-hand.

    How to design email footer: keep it simple for luxurious brands.

    If your company has a creative element, get creative with the footer and make it stand out. You can also choose an animated footer or a similar style.

    As you choose the style for your footer, think about your brand image and target audience. You want the style to match the rest of your brand imagery, especially that of your website.

    If your website is simple, keep the footer simple. If your website is bold, the footer should have a bold style.

    Additional Advice on Email Footer Design

    The following advice rounds out the best practices for how to design an email footer.

    Mobile Friendliness Is Crucial

    Always make sure that your email footer is mobile-friendly. Remember that many of your recipients will view the email on their smartphones, so you want the footer to load properly on all devices.

    The Ideal Length

    The ideal email footer will just be several lines. You don’t want it to be much longer than about four or five lines of text.

    However, that does not necessarily include any legal information and the unsubscribe button, which you can put in even smaller text.

    You may want to also include some empty space to help elements of the footer stand out, but this depends on your branding and overall style.

    Keep It Organized

    Make sure that your email footer is well-organized. For example, group the social media icons together and contact information together.

    Include Clear Links

    When you include links, such as to your privacy policy, contact page, or the unsubscribe button, make sure that they are obvious to avoid confusion.

    To Learn More about Email Design


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