3 min read

#48. Key Productivity Principles And Mistakes In Ecommerce: Interview With Paul Minors

Written by Team Flowium
3 min read
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Productivity. It’s everyone’s favorite word when it comes to self-help, personal development and it’s a term that is widely used in the business world. But is anyone actually ever really and truly productive?

In this episode, we interview Paul Minors, the King of Productivity who will share key productivity principles, the most common productivity mistakes and some productivity tools and apps that are essential for eCommerce business. Tune in to learn more!

About today’s guest 

Paul Minors is a productivity consultant and blogger and has been featured by big dogs like Asana, HuffPost and Evernote. Over 100K people visit his website every single month to do one thing: learn how to be productive.

He helps businesses to optimise their systems to support efficiency and growth. In the last few years, he’s worked with over 400 one-on-one clients to create more efficient businesses using the very best productivity and sales tools like Asana, Pipedrive and Zapier.

Connect with Paul on his website, YouTube channel and Twitter.

Some of the questions we ask:

  • What’s the 80/20 principle and how it can be used in the eCommerce world? 
  • Are there any other key productivity principles you should remember when building an eCommerce business?
  • What is the most common productivity mistake most eCommerce business owners make?
  • Are there any tactics you use to get over procrastination?



Meet your hosts

Vira Sadlak​

Vira Sadlak​

Podcast host, marketer, traveller and a life lover from Vancouver, Canada

When she’s not at her computer, conquering the world of e-commerce email-marketing, you can find her climbing one of the Pacific Northwest Ranges.

Alternatively, try her email at vira@flowium.com, and she’ll probably shoot you back a list of her favorite cat videos.

Alissa Horta

Alissa Horta​

Alissa is an email marketer that is passionate about relevance!

Her main goal with all clients is to create a strategy and campaigns that are unique to the customer-base. Her favorite part of her role as an account manager with Flowium is to meet with her clients as she loves people. She lives with her husband and growing family in Boca Raton, FL.

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