3 min read

#24. How To Get Through Post-Holidays Sales Slump

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3 min read

The holidays are usually marked by big spending. In 2020, Americans, on average, expect to spend $998 on gifts, holiday items, and other expenses related to the holiday season.

After spending a significant amount of money in the months of November and December, some shoppers get the blues after receiving their credit card bills in January.

That’s why, January and February are often seen in the eCommerce industry as a time of sales slump.

So how can you stay in touch with your audience and motivate them to come back? In this episode, we’re sharing a few easy strategies you can leverage in the off-season to keep your sales up after the holidays.

You’ll learn

  • The most popular New Year’s resolutions and how your business can help your customers follow through with them
  • Creative ways to get rid of your winter inventory
  • How to increase your average order value even in the off-season
  • Winning loyalty program strategies to thrive even in the sales slump



Meet your hosts

Vira Sadlak​

Vira Sadlak​

Podcast host, marketer, traveller and a life lover from Vancouver, Canada

When she’s not at her computer, conquering the world of e-commerce email-marketing, you can find her climbing one of the Pacific Northwest Ranges.

Alternatively, try her email at vira@flowium.com, and she’ll probably shoot you back a list of her favorite cat videos.

Alissa Horta

Alissa Horta​

Alissa is an email marketer that is passionate about relevance!

Her main goal with all clients is to create a strategy and campaigns that are unique to the customer-base. Her favorite part of her role as an account manager with Flowium is to meet with her clients as she loves people. She lives with her husband and growing family in Boca Raton, FL.

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