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Hiring People as a New Business Owner | How to Hire People

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    I share how to hire good employees and the types of questions to ask during a job interview. It can be hard to choose the right person for the job, and if you’re conducting lots of interviews and have to narrow down the candidates, specific questions could help you make the final decision.

    Ask them to tell you about a time when they dealt with a particular problem or issue. That way, you’ll have a better idea of whether they could do that again if a similar problem arises in this job role. It’s easy for someone to answer a “How would you react to” question, but it’s more thought-provoking when they have to look back on when this scenario applied to them.

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    Things you need to know as a business owner for hiring and retaining people in your company. Typically I talk about email marketing, Klaviyo as our software, but today I would like to talk about our own agency and the things I learned about HR, hiring people.

    In the past, when we were a small team, a team of maybe four, five people, I was doing hiring myself and it was very simple there were no systems.

    1. Human Resource

    First, I was told that I need to hire an HR person and it will solve all of my problems. Then when I hired an HR person, I realized I need another person who will be responsible for finding people. I know, for some of you, it might be the basic information, but as a new business owner, I didn’t go to school to learn about business. I didn’t take any courses to learn how businesses operate.

    I knew a lot about email marketing and how to do service, but I was not educated about hiring people. So I hire HR, I hire a recruiter, and I didn’t know that such a position exists. I even hire an HR marketing person. So here’s the thing. So this is the craziest thing, like, I didn’t know that I need to market, I need to market my business, not to only my clients to hire us, but I need to market our company to people to join our team.

    Some people are desperate to look for jobs, but you don’t want those people. You want people who are motivated to work for you. And to get those people, you need to present yourself like who you are, what do you provide, what benefit will they get, what do you do for us, what is your value, what is your mission, where is your purpose, and so forth.

    2. Develop Candidate Journey

    And this is the craziest thing. The first thing we develop is the potential candidate journey, what they see on our website, what do we say? We didn’t have any value. We didn’t have any mission. So we outline everything on our website. Then will, we outline the benefits that they will get. So after this process, like after they read this page, they apply.

    They apply following our instructions because we have a form. Then after that, not to waste their time, we have an automatic response to this video explaining how it will work. And if they are not okay, with how it will work, they do not schedule interviews. Let’s say we like your application and we’d like to invite you for the interview.

    However, there are a few things, important things you need to know before scheduling an interview. If you know, it’s your decision to schedule an interview with us or not. So we put power in you to decide if you want to work with us and we not being bossy and explain like, oh yeah, like we want to hire you or not.

    So I personally believe this is the right approach because you put power into the applicant’s hand and this is their decision. So when they decide to work with us, we send them the test. I mean, different people, different businesses have different processes. But when we hire them, we have an internal onboarding process, and the onboarding process it’s very overrated like different people have different processes.

    3. Onboarding Process

    And sometimes like onboarding just, “Hey, how are you, this is your computer and start working”. I personally believe this is not the right approach. And we have an internal entire course, which you take for, I believe for three days, you go through each video, each document. And I don’t think we have documents just videos, short videos in a video format. We explain how things work, who’s who, and so forth. So this is about marketing, hiring, onboarding.

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    4. Company Culture and Retention

    Another crazy thing I learned about the turnaround, as a marketing consultant told me like, Hey, what is your turnaround? I’m like, hold on, what do you mean by the turnaround? People just work for me, that’s it? And she said, no, like, listen, first of all, it’s life, and maybe you are not a good boss or not a good leader or maybe you do not provide a good salary or benefit.

    I’m like, okay, so what should we do? And then I started learning more about what do great companies do for their people. And I realized it’s not all about money. You can hire somebody, that’s a good person and you are a not good person.

    Let’s say I’m a bad person, or I bad leader, does not matter how much I paid that good person. That person will suffer maybe three months, six months, one year. But if it’s a bad relationship, that person will quit sooner or later.

    So at that moment, I learned about culture, company culture, and retention. So those things are important. It’s important where people spend their time because they probably spend more time at the workplace than they spend time with the people they love. I mean, the people they care about at home with family, with friends. We spend at least 40 hours per week at the workplace.

    So you need to create as a business owner, you need to create a culture, culture in your company where people enjoy coming. They do not wake up and it’s like, oh, Monday, I hate my life, I hate my job. Like, I’m not sure if you work at the job I did.

    I had that, that kind of feeling and job was for me like sometimes I like it, but most of the time like, again, again, this rat race is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like you need to take care of your people. It might sound crazy to you but care. Caring about your people is more important than money.

    5. Work-Life Balance

    I believe in the right balance of course. I do not believe taking advantage of somebody, but the right balance, proper compensation, market-rate compensation, plus the care will do the magic in your company. And people will stay as long as a, you can imagine that like you if you do the proper balance.

    Of course, different people have different ambitions. Somebody wants to open the business. Somebody is, something changed in their personal life. It’s life, it will happen. So you cannot control that, but you have to do your best to serve your team as best as you can, to care about them and to pay them according to the market rate and also provide the best benefit possible on for this earth. Because those people helping your company grow.
    I like what Grant Cardone said; “People do not cost you money, lost sales do.” so you need to focus on the other thing. Don’t think that I hire somebody and sales not good. I’m not making as much money as I used to, so I need to fire. No, you don’t need to fire to solve your problems. You need to put on the gas in your different department in sales department or marketing department, but do not let people go because you have revenue problems.

    I am glad to share what I learned, I was new to this, at this moment we are a team of 50 people. And maybe there will be more of us, but I enjoy this topic and I love what you do. And I love people who work for me, for the company. Yeah, so that’s why I want to share it with you because I believe you can do the same thing or even better to inspire me.

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