3 min read

#92. SMS Segmentation Strategy for 2022

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3 min read

Today’s a sad day for the Email Einsteins podcast. This will be Alissa’s last episode with us. She’s been a core member of the Flowium family for years, and we wish her all the best!

This isn’t just a farewell episode. We’ve got some great tips for getting the most out of your SMS list. The Email nerds are back to nerd-out about SMS once again. Tune in for our guide on segmenting your SMS list.

This episode dives deep into the metrics you should be tracking on SMS and how best to engage every level of engaged customers. After this episode, we may have to rename the show to SMS Einsteins.

Let’s get into it!

You’ll learn

  • Most important metrics for SMS segmentation 
  • How SMS segmentation differs from Email Segmentation 
  • Tiered perks and rewards for engaged and unengaged customers 
  • How to leverage SMS to create an exclusive club for your VIP customers
  • Why 2-way SMS messaging is the future

Links mentioned in this episode


Meet your host

Vira Sadlak​

Vira Sadlak​

Podcast host, marketer, traveller and a life lover from Vancouver, Canada

When she’s not at her computer, conquering the world of e-commerce email-marketing, you can find her climbing one of the Pacific Northwest Ranges.

Alternatively, try her email at vira@flowium.com, and she’ll probably shoot you back a list of her favorite cat videos.

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