3 min read

#99. How to Use Organic Content as an Opt-in for your eCommerce Business

Written by Vira Sadlak
3 min read

eCommerce is an ultra-competitive business, especially when you’re up against titans like eBay and Amazon. But Sean Reyes and his team at Shock Surplus found a way to cut through the clutter and beat Amazon at their own game. Content.

Creating compelling, informative, and frankly, fun content has helped Shock Surplus climb google search rankings to sit above Amazon for the word “shock” and skyrocket their revenue year over year.

This week on Email Einstein, Vira sits down with Sean to find out how he did it, and what lessons he can share with other email marketers and eCommerce business owners.

Strap in for a drive deep into the wild world of content marketing.

About today’s guest 

Introducing Sean Reyes! Sean is a mastermind behind the brand called Shock Surplus. He founded Shock Surplus after discovering a significant knowledge gap, one in which there’s a giant void of real information in the ride control space.
Sean and his team have been killing it with their content and email for the last few years, and we wanted to share his insights with you!

You’ll learn

  • How to use content to appeal to a niche target audience. 
  • Why adding value for free pays huge returns.
  • How to use content to drive traffic to specific landing pages. 
  • Once you grab attention, we share how to keep it. 
  • Why video content is the future for eCommerce brands.

Some of the questions we ask:

  • What were the biggest drivers of your sales growth at the beginning and over the past few years?
  • At what point and why did you decide to push extra hard on content? 
  • What’s your content strategy recommendations for a content strategy that actually drives traffic?

Links mentioned in this episode


Meet your host

Vira Sadlak​

Vira Sadlak​

Podcast host, marketer, traveller and a life lover from Vancouver, Canada

When she’s not at her computer, conquering the world of e-commerce email-marketing, you can find her climbing one of the Pacific Northwest Ranges.

Alternatively, try her email at vira@flowium.com, and she’ll probably shoot you back a list of her favorite cat videos.

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