3 min read

#31. How to Send Emails That Drive Sales On Autopilot: Customer Lifecycle

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3 min read

Every new customer goes through a journey called a customer lifecycle.

There are some customers that have just found your brand and are just getting to know you, some that just placed their order, some that are your die hard fans who are waiting for a friendly nudge from you, and some are about to say goodbye to your brand.

Your job is to anticipate those stages in the customer’s journey and address them as organically as possible.

In this episode, Vira and Alissa cover how to use automations as natural touch points to lead your customer through their lifecycle resulting in more (and faster) sales for you.

Because the customer lifecycle is the foundation of a successful email strategy and there’s a lot to learn, we divided this episode into two parts. In this part, we cover the early stages of the customer lifecycle.

You’ll learn

  • Early stages of customer lifecycle for email 
  • Types of lifecycle email series that fall into each stage
  • How many and what emails exactly to include in each email series



Meet your hosts

Vira Sadlak​

Vira Sadlak​

Podcast host, marketer, traveller and a life lover from Vancouver, Canada

When she’s not at her computer, conquering the world of e-commerce email-marketing, you can find her climbing one of the Pacific Northwest Ranges.

Alternatively, try her email at vira@flowium.com, and she’ll probably shoot you back a list of her favorite cat videos.

Alissa Horta

Alissa Horta​

Alissa is an email marketer that is passionate about relevance!

Her main goal with all clients is to create a strategy and campaigns that are unique to the customer-base. Her favorite part of her role as an account manager with Flowium is to meet with her clients as she loves people. She lives with her husband and growing family in Boca Raton, FL.

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